guiding you to plant your roots deeply to rise!

The Yoga Hut
with Amy Rohrer
Registered Hatha Yoga Teacher & Wellness Coach Nurtured Neuroscience & Somatics Practitioner
Phone: (519)983-8329
Email: amyjulienne@gmail.com

Hi! I'm Amy, the gal
behind the Hut:)

Over the last 10 years I have underwent training to become a 200hr Sivananda Hatha Yoga Teacher, 100hr Therapeutic Yoga Specialist, and also am certified in the areas of Yin Yoga, Chair Yoga, Pre & Post Natal, and Kids Yoga/Mindfulness. In addition, I am a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, and also furthered my studies in Nutrition and Wellness Coaching by completing my Ayurveda Wellness Counsellor Certification. But before this, It was my own health crisis that led me to deepen my own yoga practice and learn everything I could as to why even while in immense physical pain, yoga was helping me through the dark night of my soul in so many ways. And for this, I am so thankful that I listened to the nudge and followed the impulse to immerse myself into yoga those many years ago, it set me on a whole new trajectory. And what i've come to believe over time is that we all have our own personal curriculum of life lessons and challenges that if we choose to work with them - can be gifts in disguise that can help us to grow and learn in ways we wouldn't be pushed to without them. Another huge growth promotion for me was when I stepped into motherhood 3 years ago with the birth of my son. Something about motherhood unlocked a portal into deeper layers of my own healing journey - for which I am eternally grateful.
Over the last 3 years I've been supporting myself through continued learning and integration of 2 unique certifications - including the Somatic Experiencing Practitioner 3 year program (one of the best nervous system and trauma resolution trainings on the globe). In addition, during our own sleep challenges with my son - I learned how closely related infant sleep and co-regulating to a parent's regulated nervous system is. A big part of optimizing childhood sleep - starts with regulating our own nervous system, and building secure attachment and nurture to our little ones. This led me to start deeply studying the art of nurtured parenting in the Nurtured Neuroscience Practitioner Program (led by Dr Greer Kirshenbaum & Dr. Rocio Zunini). And these two programs really go hand in hand, as parents we need to be making sure we are refilling our reservoir to be able to have the presence, compassion and energy to be the sturdy, loving parents our kiddos need us and deserve us to be! I love teaching perinatal style classes, mom & baby yoga, toddler/kids yoga, etc and am now offering nurtured parenting & sleep support sessions both 1 on 1 and in my new motherhood program called the Nurtured Mama coming soon!
In Summer of 2017 I opened a small private yoga studio, The Yoga Hut located in Tillsonburg Ontario so I could bring my services to clients on a more 1 on 1 level, creating programs for every unique individual! Whether it be working through an injury, starting with chair yoga, dealing with an autoimmune condition or illness, having a busy schedule that makes it challenging to visit a yoga studio with set schedules, or perhaps wanting guidance in the beginning of your yoga practice, these are all some of the reasons my clients have came through the door and kickstarted their yoga practice at The Yoga Hut. I also work with people 1 on 1 with somatic healing sessions to help integrate and renegotiate trauma, regulate and learn more about their own stress & nervous system patterns, and gain resiliency to move through life's waves with more ease. I love supporting people with the tools/skills to take the practice of yoga, somatic integration and mind/body awareness off the mat (or chair:) and into their everyday life.
Prior to starting my yoga business, I also studied and received a diploma in Recreation and Leisure which sparked my love for program development and activity planning while giving me the opportunity to travel the world. Following those adventures, I lived for 4 years in Saint John, New Brunswick where I studied and received my degree in Business Management and International Studies. If you would have told me 20 years ago that I would have went on to study business, my jaw likely would have dropped because that was far off my radar! I don’t love numbers by any means, but I do love the power of connection and our breakthroughs, and I believe my path through business school gave me the knowledge and determination I needed to merge my passion for yoga, wellness, connection and adventure all together…Life has a funny way of providing us with those stepping stones we need, even when we may not see it in the moment!

Send me an email with any questions you have and I will get back to you in the next 48hours! I look forwarding to discussing how I can support you on your wellness & life journey.